''' 获取 ifconfig 命令的输出 ''' defgetIfconfig(): p = Popen(['ifconfig'], stdout = PIPE) data = p.stdout.read() return data
''' 获取 dmidecode 命令的输出 ''' defgetDmi(): p = Popen(['dmidecode'], stdout = PIPE) data = p.stdout.read() return data
''' 根据空行分段落 返回段落列表''' defparseData(data): parsed_data = [] new_line = '' data = [i for i in data.split('\n') if i] for line in data: if line[0].strip(): parsed_data.append(new_line) new_line = line + '\n' else: new_line += line + '\n' parsed_data.append(new_line) return [i for i in parsed_data if i]
''' 根据输入的段落数据分析出ifconfig的每个网卡ip信息 ''' defparseIfconfig(parsed_data): dic = {} parsed_data = [i for i in parsed_data ifnot i.startswith('lo')] for lines in parsed_data: line_list = lines.split('\n') devname = line_list[0].split()[0] macaddr = line_list[0].split()[-1] ipaddr = line_list[1].split()[1].split(':')[1] break dic['ip'] = ipaddr return dic
''' 根据输入的dmi段落数据 分析出指定参数 ''' defparseDmi(parsed_data): dic = {} parsed_data = [i for i in parsed_data if i.startswith('System Information')] parsed_data = [i for i in parsed_data[0].split('\n')[1:] if i] dmi_dic = dict([i.strip().split(':') for i in parsed_data]) dic['vender'] = dmi_dic['Manufacturer'].strip() dic['product'] = dmi_dic['Product Name'].strip() dic['sn'] = dmi_dic['Serial Number'].strip() return dic
''' 获取Linux系统主机名称 ''' defgetHostname(): with open('/etc/sysconfig/network') as fd: for line in fd: if line.startswith('HOSTNAME'): hostname = line.split('=')[1].strip() break return {'hostname':hostname}
''' 获取Linux系统的版本信息 ''' defgetOsVersion(): with open('/etc/issue') as fd: for line in fd: osver = line.strip() break return {'osver':osver}
''' 获取CPU的型号和CPU的核心数 ''' defgetCpu(): num = 0 with open('/proc/cpuinfo') as fd: for line in fd: if line.startswith('processor'): num += 1 if line.startswith('model name'): cpu_model = line.split(':')[1].strip().split() cpu_model = cpu_model[0] + ' ' + cpu_model[2] + ' ' + cpu_model[-1] return {'cpu_num':num, 'cpu_model':cpu_model}
''' 获取Linux系统的总物理内存 ''' defgetMemory(): with open('/proc/meminfo') as fd: for line in fd: if line.startswith('MemTotal'): mem = int(line.split()[1].strip()) break mem = '%.f' % (mem / 1024.0) + ' MB' return {'Memory':mem}
Warning: get_headers(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
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