

在Node.js中工作时遇到的问题之一是, 不断记录的消息(主要是最重要的消息)在冗长的输出中失去了详细输出。颜色在控制台上很有用, 可以使错误更加严重, 或者只是引起人们对重要错误和其他警告的注意。

在本文中, 你将学习如何在带有或不带有库的情况下, 在节点控制台中轻松显示带有颜色和样式的某些文本。


如果你不想使自己复杂化, 那么你可能想要模块化并使用第三方库来实现你的目标。在这种情况下, 要在控制台中更改文本的颜色, 我们建议你在NPM上使用colors.js模块。此模块允许你使用可链接的方法(即” text” .bgBlue.white.underline)在node.js控制台中显示颜色和样式:

要在项目中安装colors.js模块, 请在Node.js命令提示符下执行以下命令:

npm install colors




默认方式是在String.prototype中添加一些属性(所有可用颜色作为名称), 这使得控制台中颜色的自定义变得非常容易:

var colors = require('colors');

console.log("The style of this text will be modified".black);
console.log("The style of this text will be modified".red);
console.log("The style of this text will be modified".green);
console.log("The style of this text will be modified".yellow);
console.log("The style of this text will be modified".blue);
console.log("The style of this text will be modified".magenta);
console.log("The style of this text will be modified".cyan);
console.log("The style of this text will be modified".white);
console.log("The style of this text will be modified".gray);

但是, 如果你担心扩展String.prototype, 则可以使用非原型方法使用安全模式:

var colors = require('colors/safe');

console.log(colors.black('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.red('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.green('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.yellow('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.blue('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.magenta('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.cyan('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.white('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.gray('The style of this text will be modified'));




在控制台中向某些文本添加背景色的默认方法是在String.prototype中添加一些属性(将所有可用的颜色和前缀bg作为名称), 这使得控制台中的颜色自定义变得非常容易:

var colors = require('colors');

console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.bgBlack);
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.bgRed);
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.bgGreen);
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.bgYellow);
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.bgBlue);
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.bgMagenta);
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.bgCyan);
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.bgWhite);
// Change the text color to black
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.bgWhite.black);
// or "text".black.bgWhite

但是, 如果你担心扩展String.prototype, 则可以使用非原型方法使用安全模式:

var colors = require('colors/safe');

console.log(colors.bgBlack('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.bgRed('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.bgGreen('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.bgGreen('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.bgYellow('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.bgBlue('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.bgMagenta('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.bgCyan('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.bgWhite('The style of this text will be modified'));
// Change the text color to black
console.log(colors.bgWhite.black('The style of this text will be modified'));
// or colors.black.bgWhite("Text")





var colors = require('colors');

console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.reset);
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.bold);
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.dim);
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.italic);
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.underline);
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.inverse);
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.hidden);
console.log('The style of this text will be modified'.strikethrough);

但是, 如果你担心扩展String.prototype, 则可以使用非原型方法使用安全模式:

var colors = require('colors/safe');

console.log(colors.reset('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.bold('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.dim('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.italic('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.underline('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.inverse('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.hidden('The style of this text will be modified'));
console.log(colors.strikethrough('The style of this text will be modified'));


如果你不想依赖任何模块, 则可以根据以下信息来实现自己的方法。


为了显示具有特定颜色的文本, 你需要将文本包装在特定的符号中, 控制台将对其进行解释。

要了解其工作原理, 请分析以下示例:

var myText = "Hello World";

var startWrapper = "[31m";
var closeWrapper = "[39m";

// Show some text in the console with red Color
console.log(startWrapper + myText + closeWrapper);

但是, 如果你在控制台中执行先前的代码, 它将无法正常工作!因为它将在控制台中输出纯文本” [31mHello World [39m]”。那么, 诀窍是什么呢?显示输出的console.log希望将纯字符串作为第一个参数(与Color.js的示例相同)。因此, 以下示例应工作:

// Show some text in the console with red Color
console.log("[31mHello World[39m");


颜色 以。。开始 以。。结束 例子
黑色 [30m [39m [30mREPLACE-THIS [39m
红色 [31m [39m [31mREPLACE-THIS [39m
绿色 [32m [39m [32mREPLACE-THIS [39m
黄色 [33m [39m [33mREPLACE-THIS [39m
蓝色 [34m [39m [34mREPLACE-THIS [39m
品红 [35m [39m [35mREPLACE-THIS [39m
青色 [36m [39m [36mREPLACE-THIS [39m
白色 [37m [39m [37mREPLACE-THIS [39m
灰色 [90m [39m [90mREPLACE-THIS [39m


为了显示具有特定背景颜色的文本, 你需要将文本包装在特定的符号内(即使它们已经在使用文本颜色), 并且控制台会对其进行解释。

背景颜色的工作方式与文本颜色相同。但是, 不是使用[3x前缀, 而是使用[4x。

颜色 以。。开始 以。。结束 例子
黑色 [40m [49m [40mREPLACE-THIS [49m
红色 [41m [49m [41mREPLACE-THIS [49m
绿色 [42m [49m [42mREPLACE-THIS [49m
黄色 [43m [49m [43mREPLACE-THIS [49m
蓝色 [44m [49m [44mREPLACE-THIS [49m
品红 [45m [49m [45mREPLACE-THIS [49m
青色 [46m [49m [46mREPLACE-THIS [49m
白色 [47m [49m [47mREPLACE-THIS [49m


console.log("[37m[44mOur Code World Rocks[49m[39m");


为了将某些文本样式应用于文本, 你需要将文本包装在特定的符号内(在大多数情况下, 为了起作用, 它们必须已经具有文本颜色), 并且控制台会对其进行解释。

颜色 以。。开始 以。。结束 例子
重启 [0m [0m [0mREPLACE-THIS [0m
胆大 [1m [22m [1mREPLACE-THIS [22m
暗淡 [2m [22m [2mREPLACE-THIS [22m
斜体 [3m [23m [3mREPLACE-THIS [23m
强调 [4m [24m [4mREPLACE-THIS [24m
[7m [27m [7mREPLACE-THIS [27m
[8m [28m [8mREPLACE-THIS [28m
删除线 [9m [29m [9mREPLACE-THIS [29m


console.log("[4m[31mSome text[39m[24m");
// Or in other order with the same result
console.log("[31m[4mSome text[24m[39m");

请注意, (显然)符号需要分别以它们的开始方式结束(<开始颜色标签| <打开样式标签| {某些文本} |关闭样式标签>关闭颜色标签>, 反之亦然)。




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