评论回复后,自动发一封邮件提醒评论人,是提高用户体验的一大举措。倡萌一直都在使用Willin Kan大师的评论回复邮件提醒通知代码,相信很多人也在使用,如果你还没有使用,不妨试试。
根据自己的需要,选择一种自己需要的代码,添加在主题的 functions.php 文件的 最后一个 ?> 前面即可:
/* comment_mail_notify v1.0 by willin kan. (所有回复都发邮件) */
function comment_mail_notify($comment_id) {
$comment = get_comment($comment_id);
$parent_id = $comment->comment_parent ? $comment->comment_parent : '';
$spam_confirmed = $comment->comment_approved;
if (($parent_id != '') && ($spam_confirmed != 'spam')) {
$wp_email = 'no-reply@' . preg_replace('#^www.#', '', strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); //e-mail 发出点, no-reply 可改为可用的 e-mail.
$to = trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author_email);
$subject = '您在 [' . get_option("blogname") . '] 的留言有了回复';
$message = '
<div style="background-color:#eef2fa; border:1px solid #d8e3e8; color:#111; padding:0 15px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; -khtml-border-radius:5px;">
<p>' . trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author) . ', 您好!</p>
<p>您曾在《' . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . '》的留言:<br />'
. trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_content) . '</p>
<p>' . trim($comment->comment_author) . ' 给您的回复:<br />'
. trim($comment->comment_content) . '<br /></p>
<p>您可以点击 查看回复完整內容</p>
<p>欢迎再度光临 ' . get_option('blogname') . '</p>
$from = "From: \"" . get_option('blogname') . "\" <$wp_email>";
$headers = "$from\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\n";
wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
add_action('comment_post', 'comment_mail_notify');
// -- END ---------------------------------------- |
/* comment_mail_notify v1.0 by willin kan. (所有回复都发邮件) */
function comment_mail_notify($comment_id) {
$comment = get_comment($comment_id);
$parent_id = $comment->comment_parent ? $comment->comment_parent : '';
$spam_confirmed = $comment->comment_approved;
if (($parent_id != '') && ($spam_confirmed != 'spam')) {
$wp_email = 'no-reply@' . preg_replace('#^www.#', '', strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); //e-mail 发出点, no-reply 可改为可用的 e-mail.
$to = trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author_email);
$subject = '您在 [' . get_option("blogname") . '] 的留言有了回复';
$message = '
<div style="background-color:#eef2fa; border:1px solid #d8e3e8; color:#111; padding:0 15px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; -khtml-border-radius:5px;">
<p>' . trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author) . ', 您好!</p>
<p>您曾在《' . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . '》的留言:<br />'
. trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_content) . '</p>
<p>' . trim($comment->comment_author) . ' 给您的回复:<br />'
. trim($comment->comment_content) . '<br /></p>
<p>您可以点击 查看回复完整內容</p>
<p>欢迎再度光临 ' . get_option('blogname') . '</p>
$from = "From: \"" . get_option('blogname') . "\" <$wp_email>";
$headers = "$from\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\n";
wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
add_action('comment_post', 'comment_mail_notify');
// -- END ----------------------------------------
/* 开始*/
function comment_mail_notify($comment_id) {
$admin_notify = '1'; // admin 要不要收回复通知 ( '1'=要 ; '0'=不要 )
$admin_email = get_bloginfo ('admin_email'); // $admin_email 可改为你指定的 e-mail.
$comment = get_comment($comment_id);
$comment_author_email = trim($comment->comment_author_email);
$parent_id = $comment->comment_parent ? $comment->comment_parent : '';
global $wpdb;
if ($wpdb->query("Describe {$wpdb->comments} comment_mail_notify") == '')
$wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE {$wpdb->comments} ADD COLUMN comment_mail_notify TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;");
if (($comment_author_email != $admin_email && isset($_POST['comment_mail_notify'])) || ($comment_author_email == $admin_email && $admin_notify == '1'))
$wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->comments} SET comment_mail_notify='1' WHERE comment_ID='$comment_id'");
$notify = $parent_id ? get_comment($parent_id)->comment_mail_notify : '0';
$spam_confirmed = $comment->comment_approved;
if ($parent_id != '' && $spam_confirmed != 'spam' && $notify == '1') {
$wp_email = 'no-reply@' . preg_replace('#^www.#', '', strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); // e-mail 发出点, no-reply 可改为可用的 e-mail.
$to = trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author_email);
$subject = '您在 [' . get_option("blogname") . '] 的留言有了回复';
$message = '
<div style="background-color:#eef2fa; border:1px solid #d8e3e8; color:#111; padding:0 15px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; -khtml-border-radius:5px;">
<p>' . trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author) . ', 您好!</p>
<p>您曾在《' . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . '》的留言:<br />'
. trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_content) . '</p>
<p>' . trim($comment->comment_author) . ' 给您的回复:<br />'
. trim($comment->comment_content) . '<br /></p>
<p>还要再度光临 ' . get_option('blogname') . '</p>
$from = "From: \"" . get_option('blogname') . "\" <$wp_email>";
$headers = "$from\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\n";
wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
add_action('comment_post', 'comment_mail_notify');
/* 自动加勾选栏 */
function add_checkbox() {
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="comment_mail_notify" id="comment_mail_notify" value="comment_mail_notify" checked="checked" style="margin-left:20px;" /><label for="comment_mail_notify">有人回复时邮件通知我</label>';
add_action('comment_form', 'add_checkbox'); |
/* 开始*/
function comment_mail_notify($comment_id) {
$admin_notify = '1'; // admin 要不要收回复通知 ( '1'=要 ; '0'=不要 )
$admin_email = get_bloginfo ('admin_email'); // $admin_email 可改为你指定的 e-mail.
$comment = get_comment($comment_id);
$comment_author_email = trim($comment->comment_author_email);
$parent_id = $comment->comment_parent ? $comment->comment_parent : '';
global $wpdb;
if ($wpdb->query("Describe {$wpdb->comments} comment_mail_notify") == '')
$wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE {$wpdb->comments} ADD COLUMN comment_mail_notify TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;");
if (($comment_author_email != $admin_email && isset($_POST['comment_mail_notify'])) || ($comment_author_email == $admin_email && $admin_notify == '1'))
$wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->comments} SET comment_mail_notify='1' WHERE comment_ID='$comment_id'");
$notify = $parent_id ? get_comment($parent_id)->comment_mail_notify : '0';
$spam_confirmed = $comment->comment_approved;
if ($parent_id != '' && $spam_confirmed != 'spam' && $notify == '1') {
$wp_email = 'no-reply@' . preg_replace('#^www.#', '', strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); // e-mail 发出点, no-reply 可改为可用的 e-mail.
$to = trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author_email);
$subject = '您在 [' . get_option("blogname") . '] 的留言有了回复';
$message = '
<div style="background-color:#eef2fa; border:1px solid #d8e3e8; color:#111; padding:0 15px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; -khtml-border-radius:5px;">
<p>' . trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author) . ', 您好!</p>
<p>您曾在《' . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . '》的留言:<br />'
. trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_content) . '</p>
<p>' . trim($comment->comment_author) . ' 给您的回复:<br />'
. trim($comment->comment_content) . '<br /></p>
<p>还要再度光临 ' . get_option('blogname') . '</p>
$from = "From: \"" . get_option('blogname') . "\" <$wp_email>";
$headers = "$from\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\n";
wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
add_action('comment_post', 'comment_mail_notify');
/* 自动加勾选栏 */
function add_checkbox() {
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="comment_mail_notify" id="comment_mail_notify" value="comment_mail_notify" checked="checked" style="margin-left:20px;" /><label for="comment_mail_notify">有人回复时邮件通知我</label>';
add_action('comment_form', 'add_checkbox');
/* comment_mail_notify v1.0 by willin kan. (无勾选栏) */
function comment_mail_notify($comment_id) {
$admin_email = get_bloginfo ('admin_email'); // $admin_email 可改为你指定的 e-mail.
$comment = get_comment($comment_id);
$comment_author_email = trim($comment->comment_author_email);
$parent_id = $comment->comment_parent ? $comment->comment_parent : '';
$to = $parent_id ? trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author_email) : '';
$spam_confirmed = $comment->comment_approved;
if (($parent_id != '') && ($spam_confirmed != 'spam') && ($to != $admin_email) && ($comment_author_email == $admin_email)) {
/* 上面的判断式,决定发出邮件的必要条件:
($parent_id != '') && ($spam_confirmed != 'spam'): 回复的, 而且不是 spam 才可发, 必需!!
($to != $admin_email) : 不发给 admin.
($comment_author_email == $admin_email) : 只有 admin 的回复才可发.
$wp_email = 'no-reply@' . preg_replace('#^www.#', '', strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); // e-mail 发出点, no-reply 可改为可用的 e-mail.
$subject = '您在 [' . get_option("blogname") . '] 的留言有了回复';
$message = '
<div style="background-color:#eef2fa; border:1px solid #d8e3e8; color:#111; padding:0 15px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; -khtml-border-radius:5px;">
<p>' . trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author) . ', 您好!</p>
<p>您曾在《' . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . '》的留言:<br />'
. trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_content) . '</p>
<p>' . trim($comment->comment_author) . ' 给您的回复:<br />'
. trim($comment->comment_content) . '<br /></p>
<p>您可以点击 查看回复的完整內容</p>
<p>还要再度光临 ' . get_option('blogname') . '</p>
$from = "From: \"" . get_option('blogname') . "\" <$wp_email>";
$headers = "$from\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\n";
wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
add_action('comment_post', 'comment_mail_notify');
// -- END ---------------------------------------- |
/* comment_mail_notify v1.0 by willin kan. (无勾选栏) */
function comment_mail_notify($comment_id) {
$admin_email = get_bloginfo ('admin_email'); // $admin_email 可改为你指定的 e-mail.
$comment = get_comment($comment_id);
$comment_author_email = trim($comment->comment_author_email);
$parent_id = $comment->comment_parent ? $comment->comment_parent : '';
$to = $parent_id ? trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author_email) : '';
$spam_confirmed = $comment->comment_approved;
if (($parent_id != '') && ($spam_confirmed != 'spam') && ($to != $admin_email) && ($comment_author_email == $admin_email)) {
/* 上面的判断式,决定发出邮件的必要条件:
($parent_id != '') && ($spam_confirmed != 'spam'): 回复的, 而且不是 spam 才可发, 必需!!
($to != $admin_email) : 不发给 admin.
($comment_author_email == $admin_email) : 只有 admin 的回复才可发.
$wp_email = 'no-reply@' . preg_replace('#^www.#', '', strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); // e-mail 发出点, no-reply 可改为可用的 e-mail.
$subject = '您在 [' . get_option("blogname") . '] 的留言有了回复';
$message = '
<div style="background-color:#eef2fa; border:1px solid #d8e3e8; color:#111; padding:0 15px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; -khtml-border-radius:5px;">
<p>' . trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author) . ', 您好!</p>
<p>您曾在《' . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . '》的留言:<br />'
. trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_content) . '</p>
<p>' . trim($comment->comment_author) . ' 给您的回复:<br />'
. trim($comment->comment_content) . '<br /></p>
<p>您可以点击 查看回复的完整內容</p>
<p>还要再度光临 ' . get_option('blogname') . '</p>
$from = "From: \"" . get_option('blogname') . "\" <$wp_email>";
$headers = "$from\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\n";
wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
add_action('comment_post', 'comment_mail_notify');
// -- END ----------------------------------------
/* 邮件通知 by Qiqiboy */
function comment_mail_notify($comment_id) {
$comment = get_comment($comment_id);//根据id获取这条评论相关数据
$match_count=preg_match_all('/<a href="#comment-([0-9]+)?" rel="nofollow">/si',$content,$matchs);
foreach($matchs[1] as $parent_id){//对每个子匹配都进行邮件发送操作
}else return;
add_action('comment_post', 'comment_mail_notify');
function SimPaled_send_email($parent_id,$comment){//发送邮件的函数 by Qiqiboy.com
$admin_email = get_bloginfo ('admin_email');//管理员邮箱
$to = trim($parent_comment->comment_author_email);//被回复人邮箱
$spam_confirmed = $comment->comment_approved;
if ($spam_confirmed != 'spam' && $to != $admin_email && $to != $author_email) {
$wp_email = 'no-reply@' . preg_replace('#^www\.#', '', strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); // e-mail 發出點, no-reply 可改為可用的 e-mail.
$subject = '您在 [' . get_option("blogname") . '] 的留言有了回應';
$message = '<div style="background-color:#eef2fa;border:1px solid #d8e3e8;color:#111;padding:0 15px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;-khtml-border-radius:5px;">
<p>' . trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author) . ', 您好!</p>
<p>您曾在《' . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . '》的留言:<br />'
. trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_content) . '</p>
<p>' . trim($comment->comment_author) . ' 给你的回复:<br />'
. trim($comment->comment_content) . '<br /></p>
<p>您可以点击 <a href="' . htmlspecialchars(get_comment_link($parent_id,array("type" => "all"))) . '">查看回复的完整內容</a></p>
<p>欢迎再度光临 <a href="' . get_option('home') . '">' . get_option('blogname') . '</a></p>
<p>(此邮件有系统自动发出, 请勿回复.)</p></div>';
$from = "From: \"" . get_option('blogname') . "\" <$wp_email>";
$headers = "$from\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\n";
wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
} |
/* 邮件通知 by Qiqiboy */
function comment_mail_notify($comment_id) {
$comment = get_comment($comment_id);//根据id获取这条评论相关数据
$match_count=preg_match_all('/<a href="#comment-([0-9]+)?" rel="nofollow">/si',$content,$matchs);
foreach($matchs[1] as $parent_id){//对每个子匹配都进行邮件发送操作
}else return;
add_action('comment_post', 'comment_mail_notify');
function SimPaled_send_email($parent_id,$comment){//发送邮件的函数 by Qiqiboy.com
$admin_email = get_bloginfo ('admin_email');//管理员邮箱
$to = trim($parent_comment->comment_author_email);//被回复人邮箱
$spam_confirmed = $comment->comment_approved;
if ($spam_confirmed != 'spam' && $to != $admin_email && $to != $author_email) {
$wp_email = 'no-reply@' . preg_replace('#^www\.#', '', strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); // e-mail 發出點, no-reply 可改為可用的 e-mail.
$subject = '您在 [' . get_option("blogname") . '] 的留言有了回應';
$message = '<div style="background-color:#eef2fa;border:1px solid #d8e3e8;color:#111;padding:0 15px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;-khtml-border-radius:5px;">
<p>' . trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author) . ', 您好!</p>
<p>您曾在《' . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . '》的留言:<br />'
. trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_content) . '</p>
<p>' . trim($comment->comment_author) . ' 给你的回复:<br />'
. trim($comment->comment_content) . '<br /></p>
<p>您可以点击 <a href="' . htmlspecialchars(get_comment_link($parent_id,array("type" => "all"))) . '">查看回复的完整內容</a></p>
<p>欢迎再度光临 <a href="' . get_option('home') . '">' . get_option('blogname') . '</a></p>
<p>(此邮件有系统自动发出, 请勿回复.)</p></div>';
$from = "From: \"" . get_option('blogname') . "\" <$wp_email>";
$headers = "$from\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\n";
wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
发送邮件,需要主机支持 mail() 函数,如果你发现没办法收到邮件,可以询问你的主机商。由于每个人的主机环境不一样,有些朋友在添加这个功能的时候,总是不能成功,这时候,你可以试试 SMTP 发送邮件的方式。
Warning: get_headers(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in
/mydata/web/wwwshanhubei/web/wp-content/themes/shanhuke/single.php on line
Warning: get_headers(): Failed to enable crypto in
/mydata/web/wwwshanhubei/web/wp-content/themes/shanhuke/single.php on line
Warning: get_headers(https://static.shanhubei.com/qrcode/qrcode_viewid_33294.jpg): failed to open stream: operation failed in
/mydata/web/wwwshanhubei/web/wp-content/themes/shanhuke/single.php on line