Swift for-in循环语句介绍和用法示例

Swift For-in循环用于运行一组任务一定次数。此循环会重复执行多次。


如果要编写一个打印” Hello srcmini”的语法, 则简单语法为:

print("Hello srcmini")

如果你必须写相同的打印语句5次, 那会是什么?简单的解决方案是:

print("Hello srcmini") 
print("Hello srcmini") 
print("Hello srcmini") 
print("Hello srcmini") 
print("Hello srcmini")

但是, 有一种解决方案。你可以使用for-in循环来打印相同的语句并使代码更短。

for i in 1...5 {
//It will print Hello srcmini for 5 times on the screen
print("Hello srcmini")


let names = ["Ajeet", "Aryan", "Ayan", "Alex"]
for name in names {
    print("Good Morning \(name)")


Good Morning Ajeet
Good Morning Aryan
Good Morning Ayan
Good Morning Alex

一个Swift程序, 用于打印特定编号的表(此处为5)。

for index in 1...10 {
    print("\(index) times 5 is \(index * 5)")


1 times 5 is 5
2 times 5 is 10
3 times 5 is 15
4 times 5 is 20
5 times 5 is 25
6 times 5 is 30
7 times 5 is 35
8 times 5 is 40
9 times 5 is 45
10 times 5 is 50


Warning: get_headers(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in /mydata/web/wwwshanhubei/web/wp-content/themes/shanhuke/single.php on line 57

Warning: get_headers(): Failed to enable crypto in /mydata/web/wwwshanhubei/web/wp-content/themes/shanhuke/single.php on line 57

Warning: get_headers(https://static.shanhubei.com/qrcode/qrcode_viewid_47358.jpg): failed to open stream: operation failed in /mydata/web/wwwshanhubei/web/wp-content/themes/shanhuke/single.php on line 57
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